Western Massachusetts Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (WMYPAA)

Mission Statement

Western Massachusetts Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous is an A.A committee comprised of individuals who combine their experience, strength and hope in order to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. All alcoholics are welcome and encouraged to participate, enhance their sobriety, and to be of service to Area 31. WMYPAA’s primary goals are derived from A.A.’s three legacies.

We strive to:
a. Support young alcoholics in their recovery
b. Promote unity among alcoholics of all ages.
c. Encourage young members of A.A. to participate in A.A.’s General Service Structure.

Join us

5pm – 1st Sunday of the month

Serenity Club
143 Main St.
Springfield, 01105

Who Goes:
Group representatives to the WMYPAA committee and any A.A. member who wants to get involved.

Upcoming YPAA Events