Western MA Intergroup
Coordinates A.A. activities among its various groups, maintains 24 hour telephone coverage, publishes regularly updated schedules of group meetings in the area, maintains a website (www.westernmassaa.org), encourages a program which will promote regular visits between groups (bookie list), provides an inventory of A.A. literature for the area and acts on suggestions from group representatives that would be of potential benefit to all groups. Western Mass. Intergroup also puts on a family picnic every summer and sponsors an Alkathon at Christmas. The officers of Western Mass. Intergroup are elected by the Intergroup.
Monthly Business Meeting
Online or in person.
When: 7:00pm ET – 2nd Thursday
In person: 30 Carew St., South Hadley, MA
Online Meeting Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID: 763 650 3358
Passcode: Intergro4
Link to Join Meeting
Location: 300 Appleton St., Holyoke MA 01040
Phone: 413-532-2111 – E:mail [email protected]
For hours of operation, please visit www.westernmassaa.org