
Registration is now open for the 2025 Area 31 Round-Up! Registration Page LINK


Arranges a forum for the Area Delegate to give a report on the General Service Conference. This can be a weekend of workshops, AA meetings, skits, videos, speaker from the General Service Office and Alanon participation. The committee can hold a banquet and dance in order to defray the cost of the Round-Up.

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In-person or online

When: 6:00pm ET – 2nd Wednesday. Meets September thru May. 

In Person:


Login information here.

What is an AA Round-Up and why should I be there?

During the calendar year, all AAs are invited to join Area Committee members and Group Service Representatives (GSRs) at one fall and one spring assembly weekend, the Annual State Convention, and the Round-Up.

The Round-Up is an informative and learning weekend that is carried out every year in late spring. One of the primary purposes of this gathering is to provide a forum for the Area Delegate to give a report on the agenda items discussed at the General Service Conference every April. The Area Delegate provides the channel between the Area and the General Service Office (GSO) and vice-versa. He/She will also bring pertinent information, concerns and questions to the GSO on behalf of the Area.

The Round up is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with old and new friends, to participate in well thought-out workshops evolving around the subject referring to this year’s theme:

“Working Together, Increasing Trust”

The Round-Up provides an opportunity for personal reflection, fellowship and a chance to get to know many of our Area 31 brothers and sisters. Join us on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM at 30 Carew Street, South Hadley to get involved in this great opportunity to have fun and be of service at the same time!

Ask your GSR for more informational flyers about this activity at your group meetings; or you may ask anyone serving at your district or area level.

CONTACT US: [email protected] to share ideas, volunteer or get more information!

See you there!

The Round-Up Committee / Area 31